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    A Share: 300748
    H Share: 06680



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    Protecting biodiversity, building beautiful Ganzhou together

    Protecting biodiversity, building beautiful Ganzhou together

    Environmental protection has become an important part of corporate social responsibility. For a long time, the company has attached importance to ESG work, continuously improved ESG governance, and devoted itself to the sustainable development of environment, society and enterprises in response to the challenge of global climate change. In order to further improve employees' understanding of biodiversity protection and promote the construction of ecological civilization in the waters of Ganzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, on May 22nd, Jinli Permanent Magnet actively participated in the proliferation and release activities with the theme of "Biodiversity, participating together" organized by Ganzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Branch of Ganzhou Ecological Environment Bureau.


    In May, the breeze blows gently. The banks of Zhangjiang River are lush. On the day of the activity, the staff arrived at the scene early to clean the dock, carry bottled water and distribute fry ... With everyone's concerted efforts, 5,220 fry were released smoothly.



    Biodiversity is an important foundation for human survival and development, and it is the blood and foundation of the earth's life community. Our production and life are closely related to biodiversity. Protecting biodiversity means protecting ourselves and our common future. This proliferation and release activity not only improved the employees' important understanding of protecting biodiversity, but also called on everyone to participate in action, starting from the things around them, protecting biodiversity and contributing to the construction of ecological civilization in Ganzhou.

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